Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Official Pass List

Today, the official pass list for my Primary PGCE went live at 12pm today.

I think, for most, it was a formality. If you have passed all the assignments, passed the placements and had the QTS file signed off, it is pretty much a given. Conversly, those who have been told/asked to resist either an essay or a placement have known for some time that they have to. 

Nevertheless, it is great to have things confirmed.

I have now been officially awarded a PGCE with QTS!

That makes me an NQT. Eck!

First Teaching Interview Lesson

Yesterday, I had my first interview for a teaching role.  I say interview, because that is what happened - it took me by surprise lol. The letter said it was a two-stage process. A lesson observation and then, if invited back, an interview the following day. Instead, I was asked to wait [nothing else was said] and 1h45m later, I was taken into a 5-person panel interview! Needless to say, I don't think I did well in the interview section as I was caught on the hop lol. A shame, as it seems like a lovely school, but I'll just have to wait and see..

Anyway, the positive was the lesson. I had to teach a 1 hour literacy lesson to a class of 30. I found it quite difficult to plan, because I didn't have any assessment or prior knowledge information to work from, or any knowledge about the make up of the class. Once I arrived though, and actually started teaching, I really enjoyed it! The class were lovely and worked hard. We managed to come up with some great things, focusing on descriptions of a forest using all of our senses. We closed our eyes and listened to the clip below, and we looked at lots of different pictures. They did really well with the starter and the peer assessment plenary too. The hour raced by [in a good way - I didn't lose track of timings etc] and I was almost sad to hand them back to their own teacher lol. Bless them! :)

[An edited version of forest sounds found on YouTube]
Being "the teacher" and having your own class is definitely the best aspect of the job. :)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

PGCE Course Finished! :o

Today, we had our final university session. Now the PGCE course is over.

It was quite nicely timed. Our induction day, last year, was on July 4th. That day, we were told that it was the hardest year of our lives. That we would never be so knackered and that we would never be so physically drained. They also set us a range of tasks for the summer, including tests in our core subjects... I left that day feeling dejected and unsure. 

Now, it is exactly one year on. The course is finished. It is incredible!

My QTS folder has been signed off. I already know my placement grades. I also know my marks for the two main MA level essays. I am just waiting on one shorter, reflective essay mark and then the final 'pass list'. They haven't actually said when they will be released. It is a bit crazy really, but I am sure it will all come through in the end.

It feels odd to have finished. Part of me didn't think I would make it. But I have. The majority on my course have. It feels pretty darn good! :D

I have also been shortlisted for another job. Not sure if that is a good thing yet or not, but we'll see. I might as well give it a shot. :)