Saturday, 26 May 2012

Durham Display :D

The Ancient Egypt display came down this week [or, rather, was reduced in size and moved to another display board] - that was the class topic for spring term. As we are 6 weeks into summer term now, and with Ofsted looming, it was time for a change. :)

For summer term, the topic is Durham - the history and geography of the place. So, we've looked at lots of maps, photographs and paintings from as early as 1500, as well as the story of St Cuthbert and the story of John Duck [the Durham Dick Whittington, I'll have you know]. Our class trip obviously tied into this topic and we've since examined the 1851 census to produce bar and pie charts about professions at the time, as well as examining life as a Victorian miner and as a Victorian domestic servant. The latter things are get to go on display. We also have our gold [thanks to my spray-painting antics in the playground this afternoon] frames to go on the table - we are going to link our DT and use the frames to display some extra pictures from our trip. :)

Anyway, I think the display looks pretty darn good so far. The TAs are fantastic when it comes to displays [as well as in general!] and managed to put it up in just a couple of hours - from start [pulling down and moving the old one] to finish. The classroom is starting to fully reflect the work I've been doing with the class, so that feels great and the children have had a little boost from having new pieces on display. For example, the 'writing wall' is now full of work on The Twits, from character descriptions to playscripts - all from the last few weeks. The vocabulary wall features lots of great adjectives for our class topics - The Twits, Durham and 'growing things' [for science]. We have a small Hindu display with a puja tray that the children have examined - they are drawn to it each morning, which is lovely. And, we now have this large Durham display to show off some of our history/geography work. Things are really coming together and I feel like I have made an actual mark on the classroom now. :)

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