The next two weeks are enhancement weeks. Today, I opted to stay with my own class [although, from tomorrow, I am off to other classes - Yr1/2 and then EYFS next week] and used the time to do some of the assessment tasks I hadn't got around to. Obviously, I've been formatively assessing throughout my teaching, but detailed, summative assessments are hard to do when you don't have the time to work one-to-one. Having had a TA role today, I was able to fit it in during things like 'show and tell'. :)
It was really nice, working on that level with my sample of children.
They seemed to enjoy it, especially the MA/HA children I picked as they are often expected to get on with things whilst the teacher/TA focuses on the LA. Instead, they were getting the full of attention of an adult and were being asked to talk about their ideas etc. :)
I did a few reading miscues, which were quite revealing. Then I did some great Maths AT1 assessments. We recorded the audio from session and I've turned that into a transcript. It is so interesting - the thought processes and the way they explain things, to back up the written notes/answers given. They saw it was a challenge - in a good way - and wanted to solve the puzzles. That is exactly the attitude you want to encourage. It was fab.
Whilst letting go of control today was a little difficult - I almost wanted to be up at the front, doing lessons I had planned etc - the time it gave me to spend working with children in this way was great. It is something you lack often when teaching a full class of 30 - you simply don't have the time to do it.
And, another nice thing. Before hometime, I gave the class a card and some sweets [I've already exchanged cards and presents with the teacher and TA] and mentioned that, whilst I will be around school, I won't be in their class anymore. They all moaned and one of the boys, who I have told off on a number of occassions [although I have obviously praised him wherever possible to - firm but fair], said that he didn't want to me to go. How sweet is that! I am going to miss the class, without doubt...
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