I have decided to do a little blog to accompany my Primary PGCE course this year.
So often, people talk of the negatives of such a course - long hours, never ending planning, behaviour management issues etc. However, I believe these negative aspects are discussed frequently, to the point where sometimes the positives can be forgotten. After all, people would not take this course if it was useless or not worth the effort. :)
When we had our course induction, back in July, I was terrified. An entire day spent listening to how shattered, unhealthy and lackluster we would all be by the following July. We heard stories of children throwing chairs at teachers - even one of a child urinating on a teacher! - and of how we would never look so ugly as we will by the end of a PGCE. Hardly inspiring stuff, I think you will agree. Lol.
So, whilst I could probably very easily fall into the trap of dwelling on the negatives, I am going to post as many positive things here as I can. Be them from our time in university, or out socialising or on placement. Those little things that pick up after a rough time or help you remember why you are doing it all in the first place.
That is the ambition at the moment.
We will have to wait and see how much is achieved.

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