Monday 12 December 2011

PE - Ministry of Silly Walks

Today has felt like a very long day and was rather depressing at times. For example, a 1 hour lecture on getting a job - the outcome was that we will be competing against some 100-150 other applicants per position and thus the chances of getting a job are slim. Similarly, PE over ran by 15 minutes - doesn't sound like a lot, but given the lesson was already 2 hours to begin with, you can imagine how unwelcome the over run was. Being in the department from 8.30am until gone 5.15pm is knackering, especially when you factor in the time spent travelling in before/after that and the stack of work still to be done now I am home.

However, this is meant to be a positive blog and I can definitely have a laugh about things - even if that laugh is essentially at myself. :)

Part of the focus in PE was on fundamental movement skills - how to ensure children know how to move efficiently, spotting problems and assisting them in putting them right. This involved breaking down skills like walking, running, running backwards and running sideways into the nitty gritty and practising those elements.
For example, when running, your arms should be bent at the elbow into a right-angle. You then move your arms in opposition to your feet, from the shoulder alone. Your hand should go from 'cheek to cheek' or [if you'd rather] 'lip to hip'. The speed will obviously increase as your running speed increases.
Another example - when running, your knees should be brought up high and your feet should also touch your bottom. Apparently we essentially did this, when left to run normally, but when we were told to accentuate this, along with the arm movements, you have seriously never seen anything so funny!

Needless to say, the Ministry of Silly Walks would have been proud of us today. So, here is a clip of just that, to enjoy. :D

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